I! :-) WAS Re: Friendliness SOLVED!

From: Mark Waser (mwaser@cox.net)
Date: Sat Mar 22 2008 - 09:22:49 MDT

Sorry for the delay. The answer is the subject of this e-mail.

HINT1: Your question is also the answer (and I apologize for being obnoxiously zen -- but your question is awesomely good and should also lead directly to the answer)

HINT2: The logical definition of Friendliness (aka the solution to the Friendliness problem aka the Friendliness meme) is so simple that it can be successfully expressed in less than 20 ASCII characters.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Robin Brandt
  To: sl4@sl4.org
  Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 9:46 AM
  Subject: Re: Friendliness SOLVED!

  Just answer this simple question?


  Why would it be in the self-Interest of a Super-Intelligence to be Friendly unless it already is friendly?

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